Source code for image_builder.worker

# Image Builder: Facilitate Custom Image Building for Fedora
# Copyright (C) 2012  Tim Flink Amit Saha

# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.

# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  
# 02110-1301, USA.

# Contact: Amit Saha <>

import subprocess
import koji
import yum
import sys
import os
import shutil
import tempfile
import traceback
import json
import platform
import logging

from pykickstart.parser import KickstartParser
from pykickstart.version import makeVersion

from image_builder.repo_create import RepoCreate
from image_builder.bootiso import Bootiso

[docs]class Worker(): """ Worker class is responsible for the actual creation of the images """ def __init__(self, buildconfig): self.buildconfig = buildconfig self.kojihub_url = '' self.logger = logging.getLogger('imagebuilder')
[docs] def get_koji_connection(self): """ Return a Connection to Koji hub """ koji_conn = koji.ClientSession(self.kojihub_url) return koji_conn
[docs] def add_repo(self, ksfile, siderepo): """ Add a repository to an existing KS file """ # read ksparser = KickstartParser(makeVersion()) ksparser.readKickstart(ksfile) #obtain the handler dump kshandlers = ksparser.handler # add a repository kshandlers.repo.repoList.extend(['repo --name="siderepo" --baseurl={0:s}\n'.format(siderepo)]) # Write a new ks file outfile = open(ksfile, 'w') outfile.write(kshandlers.__str__()) outfile.close() return
[docs] def get_nvr(self, bids): """ get NVR given build ID """ nvr = [] try: self.koji_conn = self.get_koji_connection() except Exception as e: self.logger.error('Error connecting to Koji hub') return None for bid in bids: # get the build information for this bid try: build = self.koji_conn.getBuild(int(bid)) except Exception as e: self.logger.error('Error getting build information for package with Build ID {0:s}'.format(bid)) return None else: # NVR package = build['nvr'] nvr.append(package) return nvr
[docs] def get_rpms_nvr(self, nvr, bid): """ Take the NVRs and BIDs and return the list of all NVR's """ rpms_nvr = [] arch = self.buildconfig['default']['arch'] if nvr: for rpm in nvr.split(';'): rpms_nvr.append(rpm) bids = [] if bid: for rpm in bid.split(';'): bids.append(rpm) rpms_bid = self.get_nvr(bids) if rpms_bid: rpms_nvr.extend(rpms_bid) else: return None return rpms_nvr
[docs] def prep_siderepo(self, workdir, packages, arch): """ prepare a side repository given extra packages """ arch = [arch] arch.append('noarch') repodir = '{0:s}/siderepo'.format(workdir) repo_create = RepoCreate(repodir, arch) try: repo_create.make_repo(packages) except Exception as e: self.logger.error('Error creating side repository') self.logger.error(traceback.format_exception(*sys.exc_info())) repo_url = None else: repo_url = 'file://{0:s}'.format(repodir) return repo_url
[docs] def gather_repos(self, release): """ Build repository list using data from the configuration file """ reponames = [ release ] updates = self.buildconfig['boot']['updates'] testing = self.buildconfig['boot']['updates-testing'] if updates == '1': reponames.append('{0:s}-updates'.format(release)) if testing == '1': reponames.append('{0:s}-updates-testing'.format(release)) repos = [] mirrors = [] for name in reponames: # repos repos.append(self.buildconfig['boot']['{0:s}_url'.format(name)]) # mirrorlist mirrors.append(self.buildconfig['boot']['{0:s}_mirror'.format(name)]) return repos, mirrors
[docs] def build_bootiso(self): """ Build boot iso """ arch = self.buildconfig['default']['arch'] if arch != platform.machine():'Boot image arch requested should be the same as the build arch') return None outdir = self.buildconfig['boot']['outdir'] workdir = self.buildconfig['boot']['workdir'] product = self.buildconfig['boot']['product'] release = self.buildconfig['boot']['release'] version = self.buildconfig['boot']['version'] proxy = self.buildconfig['boot']['proxy'] #checks if proxy == '': proxy = None if os.path.exists(workdir): shutil.rmtree(workdir) os.mkdir(workdir) if os.path.exists(outdir): shutil.rmtree(outdir) # gather repos and mirrors repos, mirrors = self.gather_repos(release) # Create the side repository if needed nvr = self.buildconfig['boot']['nvr'] bid = self.buildconfig['boot']['bid'] # prepare side repository if nvr or bid: rpms = self.get_rpms_nvr(nvr, bid) if rpms:'Creating side repository') siderepo = self.prep_siderepo(workdir, rpms, arch) if siderepo is None: return None else:'Side repository created') repos.append(siderepo) else: return None boot_builder = Bootiso(arch, release, version, repos, mirrors, proxy, outdir, product) try: boot_builder.make_iso() except Exception as e: self.logger.error(traceback.format_exception(*sys.exc_info())) imgloc = None else: # boot image location'Boot ISO built succesfully') imgloc = [os.path.abspath(outdir)+'/images/boot.iso'] return imgloc
[docs] def build_dvd(self, kickstart): """ Builds DVD image """ args = [] arch = self.buildconfig['default']['arch'] if arch != platform.machine(): self.logger.error('DVD image arch requested should be the same as the build arch') return None name = self.buildconfig['dvd']['name'] args.extend(['--name', name]) ver = self.buildconfig['dvd']['version'] args.extend(['--ver', ver]) flavor = self.buildconfig['dvd']['flavor'] args.extend(['--flavor', flavor]) destdir = self.buildconfig['dvd']['destdir'] args.extend(['--destdir', destdir]) if os.path.exists(destdir): shutil.rmtree(destdir) cachedir = self.buildconfig['dvd']['cachedir'] args.extend(['--cachedir', cachedir]) bugurl = self.buildconfig['dvd']['bugurl'] args.extend(['--bugurl', bugurl]) nosource = self.buildconfig['dvd']['nosource'] if nosource == '1': args.extend(['--nosource']) sourceisos = self.buildconfig['dvd']['sourceisos'] if sourceisos == '1': args.extend(['--sourceisos']) force = self.buildconfig['dvd']['force'] if force == '1': args.extend(['--force']) stage = self.buildconfig['dvd']['stage'] allowed_stages = ['all', '-G', '-C', '-B', '-I'] if stage in allowed_stages: if stage == 'all': args.extend(['--all-stages']) else: args.extend([stage]) else: self.logger.error('Invalid stage entered') return None ksfname = tempfile.gettempdir() + '/' + 'dvd_kickstart.ks' args.extend(['-c', ksfname]) with open(ksfname,'w') as fp: fp.write(json.loads(kickstart)) # Create the side repository if needed nvr = self.buildconfig['dvd']['nvr'] bid = self.buildconfig['dvd']['bid'] workdir = self.buildconfig['dvd']['workdir'] # prepare side repository if nvr or bid: rpms = self.get_rpms_nvr(nvr, bid) if rpms:'Creating side repository') siderepo = self.prep_siderepo(workdir, rpms, arch) if siderepo is None: return None else:'Side repository created') # Add side repo to the existing KS file self.add_repo(ksfname, siderepo) else: return None # fire pungi process_call = ['pungi'] process_call.extend(args) try:'All set. Spawning DVD iso creation process.') subprocess.check_call(process_call) except subprocess.CalledProcessError: self.logger.error(traceback.format_exception(*sys.exc_info())) imgloc = None else: # DVD image and other files location if arch == 'i686': arch = 'i386' # for DVD iso imgloc = ['{0:s}/{1:s}/{2:s}/{3:s}/iso/{4:s}-{1:s}-{3:s}-DVD.iso'.format(os.path.abspath(destdir), ver, flavor, arch, name)] # for Netinstall ISO imgloc.extend(['{0:s}/{1:s}/{2:s}/{3:s}/iso/{4:s}-{1:s}-{3:s}-netinst.iso'.format(os.path.abspath(destdir), ver, flavor, arch, name)]) # for checksum imgloc.extend(['{0:s}/{1:s}/{2:s}/{3:s}/iso/{4:s}-{1:s}-{3:s}-CHECKSUM'.format(os.path.abspath(destdir), ver, flavor, arch, name)]) return imgloc
[docs] def build_live(self, kickstart): """ Live Image""" # Currently using livecd-creator # as the forward moving livemedia-creator is not yet # quite usable args = [] ksfname = tempfile.gettempdir() + '/' + 'live_kickstart.ks' args.extend(['-c', ksfname]) with open(ksfname,'w') as fp: fp.write(json.loads(kickstart)) label = self.buildconfig['live']['label'] args.extend(['-f', label]) title = self.buildconfig['live']['title'] args.extend(['--title', title]) product = self.buildconfig['live']['product'] args.extend(['--product', product]) releasever = self.buildconfig['live']['releasever'] args.extend(['--releasever', releasever]) arch = self.buildconfig['live']['arch'] if arch != platform.machine(): self.logger.error('Live image arch requested should be the same as the build node arch') return None tmpdir = self.buildconfig['live']['tmpdir'] args.extend(['-t', tmpdir]) cachedir = self.buildconfig['live']['cachedir'] args.extend(['--cache', cachedir]) logfile = self.buildconfig['live']['logfile'] args.extend(['--logfile', logfile]) # Create the side repository if needed nvr = self.buildconfig['live']['nvr'] bid = self.buildconfig['live']['bid'] # prepare side repository if nvr or bid: rpms = self.get_rpms_nvr(nvr, bid) if rpms:'Creating side repository') siderepo = self.prep_siderepo(tmpdir, rpms, arch) if siderepo is None: return None else:'Side repository created') # Add side repo to the existing KS file self.add_repo(ksfname, siderepo) else: return None # fire livecd-creator process_call = ['livecd-creator'] process_call.extend(args) try:'Calling livecd-creator') subprocess.check_call(process_call) except subprocess.CalledProcessError: self.logger.error(traceback.format_exception(*sys.exc_info())) imgloc = None else: # live image location imgloc = ['{0:s}.iso'.format(label)] return imgloc